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SUMA Brazilian Ginseng frá Anima Mundi

SUMA Brazilian Ginseng frá Anima Mundi

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í Braselíu hefur SUMA bæði verið kallað para toda sem þýðir fyrir allt og braselískt gingsen en þar hefur suma lengi verið notað sem adaptogegn gegn hverskonar kvillum.

Auk þess að vera adaptogen getur SUMA gefið aukna orku og aukið úthald, haft jákvæð áhrif á hormónastarfsemi og aukið kynhvöt svo eitthvað sé nefnt.

Þær jurtir sem falla undir adaptogen eiga það sameiginlegt að gera fyrir einstaklinginn það sem hann þarf hverju sinni. Sem dæmi hafa þær róandi áhrif á líkama og sál ef álagið er mikið en ýta undir orku ef þess þarf.

Þú getur blandað suma út í heitt vatn, kaffi, djús, uppáhalds teið þitt eða hvað annað sem þér dettur í hug.

Helstu eiginleikar:
+ Adaptogen.
+ Eykur orku.
+ Getur haft jákvæð áhrif á hormónastarfsemi.
+ Getur aukið kynhvöt.
+ Getur aukið úthald 

Suma Root - Our Suma is biodynamically harvested by small farmers in the Brazilian Amazon.

113g af fínmöluðu púðri - 20 skemmtar  (1 matskeið í hverjum skammti) 


"In South America suma is known as para toda (which means "for all things") and as Brazilian ginseng, since it is widely used as an adaptogen with many applications (much as "regular" ginseng). The indigenous peoples of the Amazon region who named it para todahave used suma root for generations for a wide variety of health purposes, including as a general tonic; as an energy, rejuvenating, and sexual tonic; and as a general cure-all for many types of illnesses. Suma has been used as an aphrodisiac, a calming agent, and to treat ulcers for at least 300 years. It is an important herbal remedy in the folk medicine of several rainforest Indian tribes today."

"In herbal medicine throughout the world today, suma is considered a tonic and an adaptogen. The herbal definition of an adaptogen is a plant that increases the body's resistance to adverse influences by a wide range of physical, chemical, and biochemical factors and has a normalizing or restorative effect on the body as a whole. In modern Brazilian herbal medicine practices, suma root is employed as a cellular oxygenator and taken to stimulate appetite and circulation, increase estrogen production, balance blood sugar levels, enhance the immune system, strengthen the muscular system, and enhance memory." 

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