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CONNECTION Cacao frá Dóminíska lýðveldinu

CONNECTION Cacao frá Dóminíska lýðveldinu

Regular price 4.500 ISK
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Connection Cacao

Cocoa paste CONNECTION is a harmonious blend of Trinitario cocoa beans grown on a tropical island. It is full of soft, multi-layered flavor notes and owes its pleasant and enveloping taste to the heavenly climate of the Dominican Republic. The cocoa trees grow in symbiosis with their environment, with taller trees providing shade. This positive relationship affects the soil and the cultivation itself.

The producer directly sources Trinitario beans from long-term, local partners who supply certified, organically grown beans that are hand-picked and sun-fermented. These cooperatives bring together farmers and provide them with support, development, skill-building, and funding for community projects.

CONNECTION paste is made from organically roasted and technologically ground beans according to ecological food production standards. It is full-fat and velvety, and large blocks are divided into small, diverse chunks. It’s a wonderful daily dose of nutrition that brightens the moment and envelopes you in chocolate pleasure. It’s a perfect substitute for coffee.


  • Ingredients: 100% full-fat cocoa paste
  • Origin of beans: Dominican Republic
  • Organic beans
  • Bean variety: Trinitario


  • ENERGY VALUE: (Kj) 2478 / (Kcal) 592 kcal
  • FAT: 51 g of which saturated fatty acids: 28
  • CARBOHYDRATES: 20 g of which sugars: 1.5 g, PROTEIN: 10 g, FIBER: 12 g, SALT: 0.02 g

Kakóið er sannkölluð ofurfæða, ríkasta planta veraldar af magnesium & andoxunarefnum. Það er ríkt af PEA sem er sama efni & við framleiðum þegar við verðum ástfangin. PEA skerpir líka einbeitingu & fókus. Að auki er súkkulaðið ríkt af anandamide sem er kallað the bliss chemical. Súkkulaðið veitir aukna vellíðan, lækkar streituhormónið kortisól og er ríkt af gleðiboðefninu serótónin. Súkkulaðið er náttúrulegur orkugjafi sem eykur blóðflæði líkamans. Það er ríkt af járni, C vítamíni, sinki, kopar, omega 6 fitusýrum svo eitthvað sé nefnt.

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